Our Story

Welcome to Nursing Algorithm

We’re thrilled to share with you a testament to what passion, resilience, and a pinch of creativity can achieve. This website is the culmination of years of experience and the trials and tribulations that come with going through nursing school. We’ve been through it, and now we’re using our expertise to help you do the same and become the best nurse you can be.

To ease the burden

If theres one thing nursing school has a reputation for, its being difficult. We wont lie to you, it can be. Thats why we’ve created this site. Our goal is to provide succinct information, that hits the major talking points without the information overload that can come from lectures.

Turning Passion into Prosperity

Nursing is not a profession you choose without having a passion for it, whether that be for helping patients, comforting families, or a love for the subject matter and practice. One of the most important things you can do to succeed in nursing school, is using your passion to fuel your learning.

Your Success Story Starts Today

By coming to our website, you completed the most crucial step into enhancing your knowledge and understanding of nursing. The best version of yourself starts today, and we cant wait to see how you keep growing 🙂